How to get off of the hampster wheel

How to get off of the hampster wheel

Today I’m coming at you with something huge!

Show notes

Today I’m coming at you with something huge!

As a birth photographer, I live my life always on call. For the most part, I’ve been happy with it but lately I’ve begun to question what things would be like if I could choose my life more freely. What would my life look like if I wanted to do something else?

It was a hard thing for me to consider as I’ve always seen birth photography as my livelihood. I had a hundred reasons why I couldn’t possibly change things but it all boiled down to birth photography, because that’s what I’m energetically aligned to.

It can be difficult to break out of this original cycle which is why so many people are stuck in 9 to 5 jobs and why so many are scared to follow their dreams.

But I have broken out. I eventually realised that if I took my energy away from birth photography, I could put it wherever I wanted. I could become energetically aligned with coaching. Birth photography was where I made my money but if I claimed coaching with my energy, it could become my new livelihood and I would be fine.

So now, I’ve stopped taking birth bookings and I’m focusing my energy where it belongs. This is a new era for me and I’m so incredibly excited to see what comes next. Links: Matriarchal Marketing

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